Wednesday, October 31, 2012

halloween + other stuff

it's official people: 
i've eaten enough candy corn in the last 24 hours to make myself sick.
all in the name of halloween though, so it was worth it.
sick husband = no costumes, nothing festive, not even a horror flick to appease my need for anything festive. i even rushed to the store after work today to buy candy for possible trick-or-treaters.
guess what? not one child dropped by. 
now i'll be forced to eat all that candy by myself...poor me. 
wish me better luck next year!

in other news:
our weekends in san jose are officially complete (for now, that i know of)
i did enjoy our nightly stops at pinkberry, sushi dates, 
and filling up on diet cokes in the car -
but i'm excited to be sticking around for a while too.
on sunday we watched the giants win the world series!!!
i'm not a huge baseball fan, or a big fan of any sport for that matter, 
but i was really into the giants this year. 
its been really fun living in a place where i'm so close to a major league team, 
surrounded by loads of loyal fans. 
even the cross guards love a good sweep!

i love holiday-colored m&m's.
if you ask me, they just taste better that way.
and mini fist pump for the first plant at work that i haven't killed!
(i know its not a great looking plant, but i even managed to kill ivy, which my coworker said, she 
"didn't know was possible." so living = victory in my book.)
hope you all had a happy halloween!